IDDI at ISPOR Europe 2019

November 2, 2019 — November 6, 2019

Copenhagen, Denmark

IDDI Speaking at ISPOR 2019

Jean-Christophe Chiem, PhD, Senior Statistical Scientist at IDDI will speak on GENERAL PAIRWISE COMPARISONS (GPC) TO SUPPORT QUANTITATIVE MULTIPLE CRITERIA DECISION ANALYSIS (MCDA) – Monday November 4 – 11:45am-12:00pm

He will present examples of benefit/risk analyses in patients with advanced cancer, where combination chemotherapies often improve progression-free survival or overall survival at the cost of severe acute and/or long-lasting toxicities.

Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) refers to a collection of formal methods which seek to take explicit account of multiple criteria in helping individuals or groups exploring decisions in health-related matters. Quantitative MCDA models involves measurement to determine weights for criteria. Recently, generalized pairwise comparisons (GPC) have been proposed as a flexible statistical method to analyze multiple outcomes simultaneously for the comparison of a treatment group and a control group (e.g. in randomized trials). One specific implementation of GPC requires outcomes to be prioritized, which circumvents the difficulty of defining weights for the outcomes of interest (Buyse M, Stat Med 2010). The outcomes can be of any type (binary, categorical, continuous, or time to event), and can include efficacy, toxicity, quality of life and cost-related data.