Computer Intensive Statistical Assessment of Data Quality in Clinical Trials

February 19, 2017 — February 21, 2017

South San Francisco, CA, USA

Buyse M. Computer intensive statistical assessment of data quality in clinical trials. Keynote lecture at Dahshu Data Science Symposium: Computational Precision Health 2017.

The theme for this coming year’s conference is “Data Science and Computational Precision Health.” It will be an international forum that includes keynote speeches, invited talks, demonstrations, as well as oral and poster presentations of refereed papers.

The goal is to explore research, development and novel applications in the field of medical research and data science that actively promotes precision health. In this era of information explosion, great advancement to understand disease and help patients could only be achieved by successful collaborations. We aim to bring together academia, industry and policy makers into the same room to share knowledge and experiences, and to showcase innovations and achievements.